Mar. 2 2013 March Madness!
Olympia Resort, 1350 Royale Mile Rd., Oconomowoc, WI 53066. In 4 Sections: (Open, K-12, K-6 & K-3). USCF rated! Four rd swiss, G/60 d/5. Rds.: 10-1-4-7. Reg.: 3/2 8:30-9:30 AM. EF: $15 by 2/28, after 2/28 $18; new members $3 less. Prizes, Open: Donated
Books. K-12, K-6, & K-3: Trophies to Top 3 players and Overall best
team. All others in K-12, K-6 & K-3 will receive participant medals. ENT: Ben Corcoran, 2711 N. University Dr. #64, Waukesha, WI 53188. Questions: or 262-506-4203. INFO: